Vegas: part 1
Well, the trip was simply stellar! Oh boy, where do I begin?!
In the cab on the way to the airport on Friday afternoon, I received an e-mail on my handy dandy Blackberry Pearl. Would I be available for a phone call on Tuesday morning to discuss some good news?! Uh, ya I am!!
Also in the cab, we exchanged cards to mark our three-month anniversary. It still seems crazy that we've been going out for only three months, because it seems so much longer. Things have gone so well this past little while that it just seems like we've been dating forever, which is a tribute to how well-matched we are.
But anyway, back to our story......
So before we even got to the airport, we had exchanged anniversary cards and I had learned that I had a new job. The weekend was definitely off to the most amazing start! And then it just kept getting better and better. We ran into two friends at the airport -- friends who I knew were on our flight, but who my guy didn't know were on our flight. Well, he didn't know until one of them accidentally let it slip in an e-mail a couple of days before. Still, it was great to be able to travel with them.
We had a good, uneventful flight. Got to Vegas around 10:15PM and my guy realized he had left his jacket and house keys at the Vancouver airport. But fear not! One of our friends is a Super Elite Aeroplan member, and has access to a concierge service for these types of high flyers. A quick call to the private concierge number with details, and the ball was rolling for the recovery of the jacket and keys. Phew!!
On to our fantastic accommodations. Organized by my guy, we were lucky enough to get three comp nights in a lakeview room. Sure, it was 17 miles off the strip and we needed a rental car. But it was worth it to be in a nice, luxurious, serene setting. We even had champagne chilling upon arrival -- the same guy who comped us our room took my request for champagne and went even one step further. Yup, he organized it free of charge!
Free accommodation, free chilled champagne, an exchange of cards for our three-month anniversary. Pretty good start to the weekend!!
Part 2 here
Okay, that looks suspiciously like an intrawest property honey. You arent dating someone from your old job are you??? Hmmmmm????
Im totally jeal. by the way- How bout you come here and watch Riley and I can jet off to Las Wages...
Anonymous, at 1:08 p.m.
morrie! you're back to the land of the sucks but it pays!!! congrats!!! i want to hear more about everything and am so happy to hear you had a great time in vegas. i miss you heaps!talk soon, love cookie xx
Anonymous, at 8:15 p.m.
When I went to Vegas I stayed a fair bit away from the Strip and I actually quite liked not living in the middle of all those flashing lights.
Franciscus van Munster, at 2:31 a.m.
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