Vegas: part 4
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
We took it easy Sunday morning, then made our way to the Caesar's Palace pool for a quick visit with our friends. After making plans with them to meet them "after they saw Celine that night" we trotted off to Treasure Island to see Mystere with Ladybug.
The show was absolutely fantastic -- a real tribute to the older-style circus shows that thrill and excite you from start to finish. I remember Tower Girl telling me that Mystere was her favourite show, and I think I may have to agree. Don't get me wrong, because I absolutely love "O" and La Nouba and my old show Quidam and certainly Love from the night before. But Mystere was bright, colourful, simple, and joyous. Check it out when you go to Vegas!!
Laydbug joined us for a bite to eat, then my guy and I headed to the car to do a quick change and clean up. For what? He didn't know, but I managed to spin some kind of tale about "having reservations somewhere...." He bought that reluctantly, although was a bit ticked that I, apparently, had another surprise up my sleeve after having said I was all done with them.
Walking through the Caesar's lobby, we walked right by the line-ups to get into the Colosseum for Celine, and about 20 metres from the hordes, I handed a ticket to my guy and told him he were joining the masses to see the chanteuse. While he was pretty much blown away, he somehow managed to come to his senses and join me in line. It took us quite a while to negotiate the line and make our way into the theatre -- there was more security than an airport -- but we eventually headed all the way up to the verrrrrry last row of the theatre. It was far from the stage, but we had a great view -- and my binoculars, which I had surreptitiously kept hidden from him so as to not give anything away.
The show was fantastic, and substantially different from the last time I saw it with Suzie in October 2003. We were spellbound for 90 minutes, and left the theatre with tingles going up and down our spine. We never ended up meeting our friends at the theatre, but looked forward to comparing stories when we had a chance.
We went to bed in our luxury room off the Strip, and made plans to take my guy to the airport early the next morning. I was going to stay until Tuesday afternoon while my guy jetted home Monday morning, but there was one more surprise in store for both of us!
Part 5 to come
Your blog is very interesting!
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◈lunaluna◈, at 8:17 a.m.
i saw mystère from the sound booth (behind glass), which meant we were very detached from the whole thing but i still loved and agree it's one of the best cirque shows. "O" is still my favourite though, and Saltimbanco of course :-)
Franciscus van Munster, at 12:31 a.m.
Gal - sounds like you had a blast in Vegas. Great pic of you and Ladybug and Monkey! So glad to hear you loved Mystere... still my fav! When do you start the new job? What is it you will be doing? Norma arrives on Monda in Paris - should be good times :)
- Tower Girl
Anonymous, at 3:34 a.m.
i feel like a stalker checking your page every day for part 5! you have me so curious!!!
Tower Girl
Anonymous, at 6:47 a.m.
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