Last night... crotch was groped by a drag queen.
.....I found out that it only costs $300 to get a divorce. unusual, short man in a yellow t-shirt kept staring at M and me. After over an hour, he seemingly plucked up the courage to come over to me and say something. He leaned in nervously, opened his mouth, and then turned around and fled without saying a word.
.....I found out the Sunday is apparently the night to spot B-list celebrities. I pointed out the following celebrities over the course of the evening to M, who doesn't seem to be able to spot a celebrity to save his life : )
- Australian Idol co-host James Mathison (why couldn't it have been Andrew G?!)
- star of stage and screen (Priscilla, Matrix, etc.) Hugo Weaving, having gelato with his family
- Patrick Collins, the well-known chef and restaurant critic from My Restaurant Rules
- Ryan Andrijich (food and wine) and Ty Henschke (grooming) from the soon-to-air Australian version of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (oh, why couldn't it have been Will Fennell?!)
.....I was told that Brett Lee has a very committed handshake and a website full of "glamour" shots. Naturally, you should check out the link, too.
.....I rolled my eyes yet again at the standard of servers in the hospitality industry, both at Burgerman and Stonewall. Clearly these folks ain't workin' for tips!
.....M and I had a great visit for the first time in ages, sharing dinner, drinks, laughs, celebrity sightings, and plenty of opportunities to mock the Beautiful People. I still sometimes can't help but wonder what might have happened, but I'm glad we've developed a friendship. That is, by far, the most important thing.
I'm sorry to hear of your pain, Jason. It's not that I think a friend is an exact substitute for romance, but I am an optimist by nature and am happy finding the silver lining in my particular situation. I do, however, speak only for myself and know that not everyone feels the same.
There are certainly means for you to get laid, so explore those if you have to. I'm truly sorry to hear that you had a terrible experience, and hope that you find what you're looking for in the future.
just call me jeff, at 12:17 a.m.
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