Laughin' all the way to the tram
The other day, I had to get a physical exam and chest x-ray as a formality for my Australian visa. Apparently they need to ensure that I'm relatively healthy and won't be a burden on the Aussie health system for the whopping few remaining months that I'm here Down Under. Anyways...I presented myself to reception and the nice lady there said, "Just take a seat and we'll call you when we're ready for you, Possum."
Hold on! Double take. Did I hear her correctly?!
When my name was called, I did the drill -- inappropriate touching by a doctor (Russian-born, he seemed more interested in talking hockey than feeling me up); chest x-ray (apparently my chest is bigger than normal, so they needed to take two separate x-rays to cover my massive expanse); blood pressure (a perfect score, thank you) -- and seemed to be given a clean bill of health. And then I went past reception on my way out...
...and she called me Possum again.
And I knew I was in the land of Dame Edna. And, of course, thought of my dear friend Suzie, who does a mean Dame impression.
I laughed all the way to the tram.
Reminds me of how 'Feeoyna' used to call us all 'Blossom'.
Unknown, at 6:25 a.m.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't an opossum the only marsupial in North America? I thought possums didn't exist in Australia, as every other marsupial forced them out or something.
Why did this woman call you this? Is she saying that some small animal is going to feed on a hidden teat in some impossibly fashionable pouch hanging on your body?
Oh. My. God. I just made a leap to marsupial porn.
Anonymous, at 4:47 p.m.
Oh my God. Weird flashback! I don't remember "Blossom" too much but, to this day, Feeoyna is the only person who's ever called me "Jeffers." Sigh. I miss that : )
Glennalicious -- nice work with the marsuporn! Possums are everywhere here: "Oh hello cute, cuddly kitty. DAMN! YOU'RE NO KITTY, YOU'RE A SCRAWNY POSSUM! Don't bite me, ya feral creature."
They're sure cute, but I wouldn't want to get bitten by one. Or have one feed off my hidden teat, regardless of how fashionable my pouch is. And -- trust me on this -- it is one fine and fabulous pouch!
just call me jeff, at 5:19 p.m.
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