Head-on-pillow time
After Sunday, I hit New Orleans for a Monday night in the hedonistic capital of the Western World. I have one word for New Orleans.
Well, devastated is another word. But that will be a topic for a different post.
I even contemplated staying another night there, but wanted to get here to Atlanta to see Luscious and to rest my tired eyes and mind. So, after driving a total of 4600 km from Long Beach, I'm finally in Atlanta with Luscious Lorna. And it feels like home.
But instead of going to bed at a decent time, what have I done? Spent the past several hours fixing an annoying and mysterious formatting problem that prevented my blog from being viewed by my thousands small core of dedicated fans. Alas, the problem is no longer with us, and I've built a disaster recover plan into my routine, in the unlikely event that blogger should decided to punish me again with its formatting errors.
But it's fixed, I'm tired, and it's now head-on-pillow time.
I'm glad you're feeling at home in my home. It's great to have you here.
Unknown, at 6:43 a.m.
glad you fixed it and you're OK! I thought we'd lost you somewhere in trans-America. And now you can rest and enjoy lovely Lorna, have fun you two!
Anonymous, at 7:57 a.m.
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