The Return
I was with a fantastic company for 11-1/2 years, but left 3-1/2 years ago to pursue my dream of living in Sydney, Australia. My departure was bittersweet -- I was sad to leave my "home" of so many years, but stoked/excited/scared to follow a long-held dream. I didn't burn any bridges upon leaving, a fact that has served me well in this tale of everything coming full-circle.
My first day back at the company -- a company that shall remain nameless -- was today. And it was awesome! I'm in a totally different job than the myriad of positions I previously held, and I think I'm gonna like it. I feel like I can take ownership of my area, and my familiarity with the company has already served me well on Day #1.
To be honest, after seven months of sleep-ins and afternoon naps, I was quite worried that this old body would rebel after lunch and demand some head-on-desk time to cope with my new lack-of-Oprah reality. Happily, I was wrong, and I ploughed through the day with grace, aplomb, and complete alertness.
Plus, the fact that I was welcomed with hugs and kind words from plenty of friendly, familiar faces kept me flyin' high all day long! It's awfully nice to feel wanted : )
uncle vernon and aunt rachel couldn't be happier for you, considering you know their feelings about your trip to australia, nevahmind about joining the's all water under the bridge now. of course, i knew it would all work out perfectly -- who wouldn't love you! best for days ahead and know, i'm always here. leona xx
Anonymous, at 8:28 p.m.
Unbeleivable! You've returned to the "Dark Side" :)
"The circle is now complete. When you left, you were but the learner; now You are the master."
May the Force be with you!
Anonymous, at 7:09 a.m.
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