5 weeks today
I've been in the new job 5 weeks today. Can it be true?! No matter, cuz things are going well and I'm really enjoying things so far. I even wrote a piece for our troupe newsletter about my first experiences with the circus, so that should be published sometime soon.
We've got perfect autumn weather in Melbourne. But I'm not fooled -- it's gonna get darn cold any day now, and I have to get prepared. I went shopping for a sweatshirt/sweater/jumper yesterday in anticipation of the inevitable plunge in temperatures, but haven't bought anything yet. I'll keep trolling Chapel Street, Bridge Road, and a couple of other selected choice spots to see what's out there with my name on it.
Only 2 weeks left in Melbourne until we head to Adelaide. And I haven't yet seen some of my friends who live here. But I did run into a guy from Whistler whom I haven't seen in (can it be?) about 7 years. I keep updated on his activities through mutual friends -- including the birth of his first child in August -- but hadn't seen him in ages. So to have him show up at the circus site last week was pretty surreal, and it took me a few seconds to realize who the hell he was. Turns out his company is our sign supplier. Small world!
Mona Michaelson-Saunders is in town this weekend. It could be a fun few days for the liver : )
So you saw Derrick, eh?! That's pretty amusing - I'll have to send him an email asking about you!
Anonymous, at 1:45 p.m.
Hmmmmm.....I never mentioned Derrick by name. And I notice that his name is even spelled correctly -- not as "Derek" or some other version. That means that this mysterious submitter "J" must be Jas.
Jas, is that you? If it is, I also caught up with Dave and Elise last night.
If it's not Jas....who are you?
just call me jeff, at 5:33 p.m.
Who's Derrick? Would I remember him?
Unknown, at 6:06 a.m.
Hey Luscious Lorna -- remember Derrick Dew? Kids Kamp instructor guy who was always winning ICE Awards and kudos and tons of recognition as a great instructor. Then he moved to Sign Shop. Super friendly guy and sarcastic as hell -- probably why I've always like him. Ended up marrying Caroline, an Aussie girl.
I know you'd recognize him if you saw him.
just call me jeff, at 4:51 p.m.
Yup, it's Jas! Having fun reading your stuff. Don't stop believin'!!
Anonymous, at 8:31 p.m.
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