Somewhat Drunk Guy
and Really Drunk Guy
I've been having the most relaxing time here in Atlanta with Luscious Lorna. On Wednesday, I didn't get out of my bathrobe until 9PM, and then it was only to get dressed and head out for a bite.
Yesterday, I actually got my butt out of the house, met LL for lunch, walked around part of Piedmont Park, then checked out some lovely sections of Midtown. We then enjoyed a terrific dinner with LL's really engaging and genuinely charming neighbours, which was soooo nice. I'm so glad she's got such a great feeling of community where she's living -- and they even have a block party planned for LL after she finishes her amazing Primal Quest adventure in July.
Today, I'm still in my bathrobe at 2:45pm. I love this R&R time!
Last night, I decided to venture out on my own to see what kind of trouble bars I could get into. Not too exciting, but at least I was told (repeatedly) that I was really hot by Somewhat Drunk Guy. A little ego stroking is nice, even if it's a slightly desperate, slightly inebriated fella. Cute, but drunk, he didn't seem to understand why I wouldn't want to go home with him.
Oh ya, and this was after another reallllly drunk guy came up to me at the bar while his friends were trying to pry him away and towards a cab. Really Drunk Guy moved to my side as I tried to ignore him (the best possible tactic, I figured), gesturing to me and saying very loudly to his friends that, "I can't go home just yet. This guy is reallllllly handsome and I think I need to (hiccup) talk to him a bit longer...."
After a few minutes of this nonsense, his friends more forcefully tried to remove him from the bar, and Really Drunk Guy finally made a deal with them. "Give me a second," he said. And turning to me, he slurred, "Hey buddy, do I have any chance whatsoever with you?"
Me: "I'm afraid not, tiger."
And, with that, he relented. His friends dragged him away and turned to me, mouthing, "Thank you" as a sign of their appreciation. Trust me, I was only too happy to oblige.
Gosh, I love Atlanta. Everyone just seems to be so drunk fun!
Wodka ist gut aber Kinder sollen es nicht trinken
Anonymous, at 3:26 p.m.
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