You'd think...
You'd think, by listening to me speak about my experiences lately, that my life is all doom and gloom. Last night I was telling Luscious Lorna about some of my frustrations with this touring lifestyle, the challenges I'm currently having at work, how I don't feel any kind of permanency, and how I crave a sense of belonging.
Well, if those are my biggest problems in the world, I must -- yet again -- remind myself that I'm damn lucky. I've chosen this circus path for some very compelling reasons, and I still think this was the right choice. I'm just trying to figure out how I can make it better, cuz that's what I do. I'm good at taking things and making them even better than they were before.
And I must remind myself that one of my biggest pet peeves is people who complain about their lot in life, or about how unhappy they are, without doing anything about it. Either DO something to change things, or don't complain to me about it! I might have an empathetic ear, but if you ask for my advice, I'll tell you (and I'll even work with you) to figure out ways to make positive changes. But don't play the whole "woe is me" game.
So now I must listen to my own advice.
I'm having some challenges. I'm thinking of ways to address them. But I also need to remember that, until I actually start doing those things that could address the challenges, I gotta stop complaining about 'em. Don't be a hypocrite, don't play "woe is me," and don't be a man of words without action.
First: do something to effect change.
Second: wait to see the change you've worked to create.
Third: revist, revise, and repeat as necessary.
Ongoing throughout the process: celebrate the change you effect, and, if there's no change realized as a result of your efforts, celebrate the fact that you're at least trying to do something about it in the first place.
Tip: Preferably, celebrate with peanut M&M's and a Diet Coke.
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"Religious Slaves"
fritz, at 7:26 a.m.
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