Milestone madness
It's Milestone Sunday once again. And this time it didn't tax me too too much, mostly because I only worked 72 hours instead of the mammoth 87 hour effort of last time.
In reality, one of the big differences is that my temp staff here are wicked. And I just knew that they would be -- it is Ottawa, after all!! But it's amazing how much of an advantage it is to have go-get-'em, enthusiastic, able-to-think-on-their-own, dynamic staff. I LOVE these guys! And having them work their butts off for the past 3 days made the march to Milestone Sunday much easier.
And for that, I am oh so grateful.
So....two shows today. In the rain. Just like last night. Just like Friday night. Just like Premiere night. But we'll make it as memorable (in a good way) as we can for our guests who are so damn excited to see the circus. We have big expectations to live up to, because we have been blessed with unbelievable reviews in the local press -- including one that gave us 7 stars out of 5.
Seven stars out of five! Yay us!
The plans for Milestone Sunday? Well, I'm glad you asked!! Lucky, The Hire Guy and I are going back to Montreal for some more fun. See you at Hot and Dry Festivities tonight (Sunday night) and/or Monday morning. If I can stay awake, that is. I may not be as exhausted as last time, but I'm still not feeling as fresh as a daisy. Nevertheless, I'll soldier on somehow.
Happy Milestone Sunday, everyone!
Canadians only seem super nice, hard working, and fun. Obviously they can't count, and I think there is a conspiracy to take over the world through peace and friendliness.
Be afraid.
Anonymous, at 4:42 a.m.
Glennalicious: perhaps you're right. We certainly are a pleasant, jovial sort who can conquer with our kindness.
Say....aren't you looking particularly handsome today!
just call me jeff, at 11:00 a.m.
so, did you survive Hot and Dry?
dantallion, at 11:58 a.m.
Dan: I did survive, although I'm reminded why I don't really like those parties anyway. I prefer going out and drinking, unlike these after-hours parties where you can't get alcohol. I also like to dance to songs with words, instead of those heavy-beat-laden house tracks that I just find boring.
God, I sound like an old fuddy duddy : (
I'm glad I went -- if only to remind me that I don't need to go again. Still, it offered tremendous people-watching opportunities!!!
just call me jeff, at 9:06 p.m.
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